Bargaining Update – July 19, 2024

Hello everyone
I hope you’re having a good summer. I have been busy with Local  Bargaining and with Nova Scotia School Board Council (N.S.S.B.C.U.) with Provincial Bargaining. Our local has had four bargaining sessions with the employer, we have signed off on a few housekeeping items and a few local proposals. Our progress has been difficult on anything with a monetary value at the local table. An example would be around seeking improvements for PPE, where it has been difficult to make significant gains. We are hoping to get two more local bargaining dates before the start of school in September.
N.S.S.B.C.U has tried to get the government to a common Bargaining table where we have equal representation with all 8 Centres of Education in the province and the government is refusing to recognize us. They’re hoping to force each local to bargain for wages and other large, common items at the local Bargaining table. This could result in some locals making advances on wages and benefits that a smaller local with fewer employees would not be offered. This process will result in a divided council; our strength is if we stand united, demanding the same deal for all.  Together, we are over 5100 employees and carry almost every classification of support worker, through our 8 centers of education.
Our next step is to consider a strike plan that will force the government to take our position seriously. We are not going to wait for another three years to get a deal.  We will keep you posted on how things progress.  If you would like to be involved, please let Wenda MccLaughlin or anyone on our executive know; it is critical to have member support and assistance if we want to get the best deal possible. THIS doesn’t mean we’re going to strike, but if we are going to make meaningful gains at the bargaining table, we need to be fully prepared and ready.
I will Update you thru emails or on our two web sites as things progress.
Please reach out to any of your executive members if you have any questions or concerns.
Kevin Carther